
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Episode 96: We Read Your Mail
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
In this episode, Mark and Seth dive back into the mailbag for a discussion on numerous paranormal topics!
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com

Friday Sep 18, 2020
Episode 95: Back to Flatwoods
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
In this episode, Seth and Mark discuss a recent trip to Flatwoods, West Virginia to celebrate the anniversary of the Flatwoods Monsters first visit to the tiny hamlet. They also reminisce on the making of the Small Town Monsters movie, chat about the Not a Monster Movie event and more.
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Episode 94: Return to Skinwalker Ranch
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
In this episode, spurred on by a letter to Mark Matzke from a listener, we return to a topic we touched upon in the shows infancy; Skinwalker Ranch. Listen as Seth and Mark discuss one of the hottest spots in all of the paranormal!
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com

Friday Sep 04, 2020
Episode 93: Recollections on the Bell Witch Set
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Listen as Mark and Seth regale you, the faithful listener, with tales of horror and woe on the set of The Mark of the Bell Witch in this very special (and long) episode of Monsteropolis!
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com

Friday Aug 28, 2020
Episode 92: The Making of "Making Monsters"
Friday Aug 28, 2020
Friday Aug 28, 2020
This week Seth interviews Mark about his work on the upcoming Small Town Monsters retrospective, behind-the-scenes book, "Making Monsters".
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com

Friday Aug 21, 2020
Episode 91: Smack-Talking Sasquatchery
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
In this episode, Mark and Seth convene yet again to read YOUR letters, catch up on life, and discuss the state of the Bigfoot convention circuit.
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com

Friday Aug 14, 2020
Episode 90: The Bell Witch Project
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
This week Mark and Seth are joined by pal and STM crew member, Aaron Gascon as they discuss the recent trip to Adams, TN to film The Mark of the Bell Witch. Learn about the ins and outs of one of the more interesting shoots the gang has been on.
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Episode 89: The Current State of Sasquatchery
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Wednesday Jul 29, 2020
Mark and Seth once again go back to the well to discuss the murky world of the Bigfoot community in this special SasWhat-like episode of Monsteropolis!
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com

Friday Jul 24, 2020
Episode 88: The Sordid Tale of the Bell Witch
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
In this gripping episode, Mark and Seth convene to discuss the infamous legend of the Bell Witch of Adams, Tennessee. Journey with us down the darkened back roads, and shadowy forests of the south in search of one of the most terrifying tales ever told.
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Episode 87: The Great Adirondack Bigfoot Expedition Recap Part 2
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
This week, Mark and Seth walk you through the ins and outs of each day of the shoot. From upstate NY to the Appalachian mountains of Western Massachusettes, this episode covers a lot of ground.
Find Monsteropolis on nearly all social media platforms!
Facebook is facebook.com/monsteropolis
Twitter is @monsters971FM
You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and everywhere good podcasts are listened to.
Don't forget to leave us a rating and review and send us your mail to monsteropolismail@gmail.com